Agoraphobic Woman Travels World to Visit All Her Facebook Friends
In 2011, Illinois-based ArLynn Leiber Presser made a New Year’s resolution to visit with all 335 of her Facebook friends to help her overcome her anxiety disorder, agoraphobia. Her journey, the Face to Facebook project, took her to 51 cities in 13 countries and the whole time, she kept great stats and journaled stories on her blog. Now, a documentary film titled Face to Facebook is being made about her adventures by filmmaker Benjamin Gonzales.
This incredible and inspiring story of one woman on a quest to conquer her fears is not only a tale of travel and self discovery , it is also an examination of the nature of anxiety and panic disorders. It raises questions about how social media like Facebook affects people suffering from these disorders as well as the population at large. It’s a personal story of determination and taking control of one’s life and one’s fears as well as an examination of how our culture and society are rapidly changing with our increasing online presence.