A Hacked Payphone That Plays a Selection of 90 Songs From the 1990s

“Digital alchemist” Fuzzy Wobble demonstrates the 90 From The 90’s Boombox, a hacked payphone that plays a selection of 90 songs from the 1990s including tracks from Sugar Ray, Chumbawumba, and Coolio.

When I first started this project I suspected payphones would be hard to get, expensive, and a hassle to hack. I was wrong on all three! Online I was able to get city-grade cast-iron/stainless payphone for relatively cheap. And the hack, surprisingly, turned out to be quite elegant :)

A step-by-step guide to creating the boombox is available on Instructables.

Phone Boombox GIF

Phone Boombox Disassembled


images via Fuzzy Wobble

via Hackaday

Glen Tickle
Glen Tickle

Amelia's dad. Steph's husband. Writer, comedian, gentleman. Good at juggling, bad at chess.