A Short Animated Film Featuring an Alphabet of Animals Accidentally Being Killed by Humans
Director James Cunningham and a group of 43 other students at the Media Design School in Auckland, New Zealand spent 15 weeks creating “Accidents, Blunders and Calamities,” a short animated film about a father opossum who reads his kids a bedtime story featuring an alphabet of innocent animals being accidentally killed in various ways by humans. The short first premiered in October 2015 at the Show Me Shorts Film Festival.
A father possum reads his kids a story that’s an alphabet of the most dangerous animal of all – HUMANS!
Inspired by the Edward Gorey classic, this black-comedy for kids and parents alike is a hilarious and brutal alphabet of death and mayhem exacted upon animals by ignorant humans. 30 CGI animals were meticulously crafted and killed by a team of 44 students at Media Design School.