Chocolatexture, A Beautifully Designed Set of Chocolates Shaped to Represent Onomatopoeic Japanese Words for Textures


Oki Sato, head designer of the design studio nendo, was named Designer of the Year by French interior design trade show Maison et Objet, which runs in Paris from January 23 to January 27, 2015. Representatives of the trade show asked Sato to design a chocolate to present this month. Sato took inspiration from onomatopoeic Japanese words for textures and designed Chocolatexture, a set of finely crafted chocolates all the same size and made from the same ingredients, but shaped to represent different words for textures. The sharp points and geometric style of the chocolates give an air of modern simplicity and humor.

Only 400 sets will be available for sale at Maison et Objet Paris.



goro goro: cubic, with many edges

poki poki: a delicate frame or structure

photos by Akihiro Yoshida with translations Spoon & Tamago

via Spoon & Tamago

Rebecca Escamilla
Rebecca Escamilla

Lover of books, science, nature, family, justice, music, language, art, love, internets.