Blue Bottle Cafe Opens, Features $20K Siphon Bar Coffee Machine
The new Blue Bottle Cafe opened today in San Francisco’s Mint Plaza, the first full cafe from Blue Bottle Coffee. cheesebikini? points us to a New York Times article about their Lucky Cremas Bonmac 105 siphon bar, a $20,000 Japanese brewing device located at the new cafe.
With its brass-trimmed halogen heating elements, glass globes and bamboo paddles, the new contraption that is to begin making coffee this week at the Blue Bottle Cafe here looks like a machine from a Jules Verne novel, a 19th-century vision of the future.
The NYT article features a photo gallery that shows the step-by-step process of how coffee is made using the siphon bar.
Niall Kennedy went to the cafe’s opening this morning and shot a few photos, including some of the Lucky Cremas Bonmac 105 siphon bar.
photos by Peter DaSilva via The New York Times and Niall Kennedy