Quirky the Blind Kitten
Quirky is the epitome of an adorable kitten. He loves to play, hunt, sniff and run around the room with no apparent purpose. The only thing that makes him different is that he cannot see. Dumped in the woods and rescued by his current family, these videos from August 2013, taken when he was just 5 weeks old, show how quickly Quirky was able to acclimate to his new home.
On August 15, 2013, Quirky found a home! Left in the woods, and found in the woods, two little kittens were brought into the Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor. We did not hesitate to adopt the furry purry little bundle we were handed….he came right home with us and has been adapting very easily to his new surroundings.
Just like Oskar the Blind Cat, whom we’ve blogged about in the past, Quirky is not a kitten to let his inability to see slow him down.
Quirky at 4 months with his Christmas presents.
videos via vgiannangelo
photo via Quirky the Blind Kitten
via Neatorama