Turbo, New DreamWorks Animation Film About a Snail Who Dreams of Becoming a Racer
“This snail is Slo No Mo!”
Turbo is an upcoming DreamWorks Animation film directed by David Soren (veteran DreamWorks animator) that tells the tale of an ordinary garden snail named Turbo who dreams of becoming a speedy racer. The film offers an outstanding voice cast, including: Ryan Reynolds, Paul Giamatti, Bill Hader, Ken Jeong, Maya Rudolph, Snoop Dogg, Samuel L. Jackson and many more. Turbo is set to be released in theaters on July 17, 2013. Here is the official Turbo plot summary from DreamWorks Animation:
Turbo is a snail who dreams of being the greatest racer in the world, just like his hero, 5-time Indianapolis 500 champ, Guy Gagne. His obsession with speed and all things fast has made him an oddity and outsider in the slow and cautious snail community, and a constant embarrassment to his careful older brother, Chet. Turbo desperately wishes he could escape the slow-paced life he’s living. As luck would have it, he gets that chance one fateful day after a freak accident when he suddenly finds himself vested with the power of incredible speed.
Turbo embarks on an extraordinary journey to achieve the impossible: racing against the best that IndyCar has to offer. Turbo is the ultimate underdog who achieves the impossible by refusing to let his limitations get in the way of his dreams.
via /Film