Robert Scoble Interviews Doug Rowan for ScobleShow

Doug Rowan on ScobleShow

I’m currently in Bellevue, Washington (across the lake from Seattle) for Chris Pirillo and Ponzi’s wedding, which takes place tomorrow. Robert Scoble is the best man and he’s calling it “the geek wedding of the decade”.

Speaking of Robert, I ran into him in the hotel lobby and he invited me to lunch with Doug Rowan, who worked at IBM for 20 years and following that he was the president of the stock photography company Corbis. Currently he is the CEO of ZoomAlbum which sells do-it-yourself kits to create really cool tiny photo albums, without any cutting or pasting. He is also involved with Piczo, a photo sharing and social network for teenagers. After lunch Robert did an interview with Doug for ScobleShow and invited me to join in to talk about my photography and how I use Flickr. It should be up on PodTech in a couple of weeks. Here are a few photos that I shot during the interview.

photo by Scott Beale

Scott Beale
Scott Beale

Scott Beale founded Laughing Squid in 1995 in San Francisco and is currently based in New York City. When not running the blog, Scott can be found posting on Bluesky and sharing photos on Instagram.