The Burgeoning Career of Millie Bobbie Brown, Known for Her Role as Eleven in ‘Stranger Things’
In the 13th episode of his “No Small Parts” IMDb Exclusives series, host Brandon Hardesty of No Small Parts takes a look at the burgeoning career of Millie Bobbie Brown, the gifted 12-year old actress who gave an impressive performance as “Eleven” in the popular Netflix series Stranger Things
The cast of child actors in the show is perfect and really makes us fee like we’re watching a lost Spielberg movie. Arguably the breakout star of this show is Millie Bobby Brown, who at just 12 years old, shows surprising depth as a gifted young girl who has spent her life in isolation undergoing tests and experiments for her psychic abilities. It’s rare when a child actor comes along that could pull off such a complicated character with a broad range of emotions. She had to do it all with very little dialogue, which can be a challenge even for the most experienced performers. Millie’s only been acting for a few years.