Pooch Selfie, A Tennis Ball Smartphone Attachment That Naturally Captures a Dog’s Attention During Photo Sessions

Taking selfies with dogs can be difficult. A person can have the animal’s full attention and then …squirrel!!. The folks at Pooch Selfie seek to change that with their squeaky tennis ball smartphone attachment that will naturally give an uncooperative canine laser-like focus for the task at hand.

Pooch Selfie is a smartphone attachment which helps pet owners take better pictures and selfies with their dogs. Pooch Selfie takes advantage of a dog’s natural draw and focus to a tennis ball and uses this focus to hold their gaze as you snap away that perfect portrait picture. Turn the attention to your smartphone’s front facing camera and use Pooch Selfie to capture the best selfies you’ll ever take with your pup! Need some extra incentive? Simply remove the Pooch Selfie ball for a few squeaks and regain your dog’s focus and then place back into the attachment for some awesome pics!

Pooch Selfie is currently raising funds through Kickstarter in order to bring the product to market.

After a year of design, development, and prototyping, Pooch selfie is ready to go to market. We are now prepared to kick off a production tool and submit an order for mass quantities. This is where we need your help! We have qualified and selected highly reliable manufacturing partners to provide each component of Pooch Selfie. We feel very confident that our suppliers will deliver quality parts to schedule.

Dog SelfieGirl and Dog

Puppy and boy


images via Pooch Selfie

via Photo Blog HK

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.