The Argentum Collection: Leatherman Goes Steampunk, Loses Mind
Guest post by Aaron Muszalski
Leatherman, the multi-tool maker beloved by geeks and DIY enthusiasts the world over, has debuted The Argentum Collection, a line of ultra-high-end cognitive-dissonance-inducing “luxury tools”, featuring hand-crafted decoration by acclaimed silversmith Adrian Pallarols.
Designs include the steampunky “Charge Acanto” (shown above) which, like every model in the Argentum line, is simply a stock Leatherman tool with ornamental outer scales (coverplates) added on. And just how much will this extra bling set you back? Why, only a mere $12,000. Too pedestrian? Then perhaps you should consider the $40,000 “Charge Dorado” whose scales are fashioned from solid gold.
Meanwhile, I’m going to be gouging out my prefrontal cortex with a rusty fishing knife I bought at Walgreens for $1.99.
images via Leatherman