Sunset Selfies, A Man Interacts With Cardboard Silhouettes on the Beach in a Humorous Photo Series
While living in Maine, television producer John Marshall created “Sunset Selfies“, a very funny photo series in which he interacts with fantastic homemade cardboard characters on the beach against setting sun, which forges a perfect silhouette. Marshall started the series somewhat accidentally just by taking a selfie.
This collection started while I spent some time living in a small cabin on Frye Island, Maine. After watching gorgeous sunsets right out my back door, I decided to start a creative project I’m calling Sunset Selfies. When I’m on the island, I make one cardboard cutout each night and take a silhouette picture with it. The process has a few simple rules:
1) I don’t have any help; I use a ten-second timer on my camera and run into the shot.
2) I don’t use any special tools; I mostly use cardboard from the town dump, a cheap pair of scissors and a common kitchen knife.
3) I don’t grab props off the web and insert them later; I only use props I find around the cabin or make myself. (Actually the dragon’s fire did come from the web, but mostly I avoid that.)My hope is that others, especially kids, will see that they can make these too. I’d love to see what they come up with. Anyway, for me, there is something magical in these images. I love to watch my crude cutouts come to life in silhouette and then see how people respond to them. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
images via Sunset Selfies