Sign at Bar Reads ‘Google Glass Is Banned On These Premises’
Shelby DeNike, Sr. Systems Administrator for Laughing Squid web hosting, spotted a sign banning the use of Google Glass at Boulder, Colorado’s Press Play bar. It reads “Google Glass Is Banned On These Premises.” The sign is the work of the organization Stop The Cyborgs who aren’t looking for a complete ban on Google Glass and other wearable tech devices but are “trying to shape social norms by highlighting the problems with wearable technology and encouraging people to politely ask people to remove their devices in social or private contexts.” They aim to “stop a future in which privacy is impossible and corporate control total.”
Here are the downloadable signs they have available to create a “Glass free zone“:
photo1 by Shelby DeNike, image 2, 3 via Stop The Cyborgs