A Touching Animation About Conjoined Twins Attached by Their Hair Who Want Different Things Out of Life
In the very minimal but touching animation “Link” by Robert Loebel, a pair of somewhat conjoined twins who are attached by their hair, find that they want different things out of life, but feel held back by the other one wants. As they each seek their own happiness, their common bond of hair stretches and pulls as much as it can before the strands start to break and their connection to each other is completely severed.
my animated short LINK is on vimeo now.
If you have 8 minutes, go and see 1 1/2 years of my life ;)
It´s free, hairy & good + there`s sound from @kamptweets https://t.co/25ghngCmLD— robert loebel (@robertloebel) October 2, 2018