Reporter, An App Designed to Help Quantify the Unmeasurable


Reporter is an app that provides intriguing visualizations of data gathered through background sensing and triggered surveys that can be customized by the user to give specific insight into their behavior. For example, Reporter could be used to figure out how much the user is working, or which friends with which they spend the most time.

Reporter is currently available via Apple’s App Store for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

Reporter’s random prompts to answer a survey had made tracking the year a breeze and helped me to investigate questions that would have been impossible to answer using other methods. I was interested in who I spent time with, but to track this in an ongoing basis is a full-time job. I added questions for what I was wearing, eating or drinking and if I was working or not… and we streamlined the process to ensure that a report only took seconds to answer.


Reporter App Background Data

images via Reporter

via Tikva Morowati

Rollin Bishop
Rollin Bishop