
Banksy Museum Hack

Last week the infamous UK graffiti artist Banksy covertly installed his own artwork in four of New York’s major art museums: The Brooklyn Museum, The…


RoboGames 2005

RoboGames (formerly ROBOlympics), the largest gathering of competition robots in the world, takes place this weekend from March 25-27 at San Francisco State University. This…

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

Indulgence In The Park!

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will celebrate their 26th anniversary this Easter Sunday in San Francisco’s Dolores Park with their annual “Indulgence In The Park!”.…

Tentacle Rearrangement

During the last few days you may have noticed some changes going on around here at casa Laughing Squid. and our blog have both…

BunnyJam 5

photo by Scott Beale BunnyJam 5: Adventures in BunnyHOPolis! takes place this Saturday, March 26th in Oakland. Join the mass EGGsodus! Hop from HARE to…

Matt Mullenweg Announces WordPress Inc.

photo by Scott Beale Last night, on The Odeon Bars’s main stage at the WordPress 100K Party, WordPress’s founder Matt Mullenweg (pictured on the right)…

WordPress 100K at The Odeon

At SXSW Matt mentioned that WordPress 1.5 is just about to hit 100,000 downloads. Previously he had hosted an amazing upgrade party at his place,…

Laughing Squid Visits Rackspace

photo by Scott Beale After leaving SXSW, I went down to San Antonio to visit Rackspace, the data center where all of Laughing Squid’s servers…


Yahoo Buys Flickr

Well, the rumors were true, Yahoo has in fact bought Flickr. Pretty amazing for a product that is not even out of beta yet. It…

SXSW 2005 Wrap-Up

photo by Scott Beale So long Austin, what an amazing event. I’ve been to my share of conferences and conventions, but SXSW Interactive tops the…