BunnyJam 5

Operation Bunny Jam

photo by Scott Beale

BunnyJam 5: Adventures in BunnyHOPolis! takes place this Saturday, March 26th in Oakland.

Join the mass EGGsodus! Hop from HARE to absurdity! Tumble through the RABBIT hole and discover a congrEGGation of bunnies in BunnyHOPolis, an
EGGstrordinary city sprawling with EGGsistential questions: Will you take the red jellybean or the blue jellybean? Is BunnyHOPolis a physical state or
state of mind? HOPpiness itself? Or an EGGsercise in FURtility? Oh hippety hoppers of harebrained HOPpenings, HARE we go again!!!

Here are a few photos from the last Bunnyjam I went to in 2003. It was quite a hare raising experience.

Scott Beale
Scott Beale

Scott Beale is the founder of Laughing Squid and is based in New York City. When not running the blog, Scott can be found posting on Threads and sharing photos on Instagram.