Ninja Day and Ask A Ninja DVD
This Tuesday, December 5th is “Ninja Day”. Ninja events are being planned around the world. Plague your co-workers with ninja-ness and wear a ninja mask…
Layover at Las Vegas McCarran International Airport
Lori and I are currently stuck at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas for a 4 hours layover because of a delayed US Airways/America West…
Laughing Squid Stencils
These beautiful Laughing Squid stencils showed up on the sidewalks outside of Mighty just before the start of Laughing Squid: Decade 2. photo by Scott…
WorldChanging in San Francisco
WorldChanging is coming to San Francisco next week to celebrate the recent release of their new book “WorldChanging: A Users Guide for the 21st Century”.…
The Subgenius Psychlopaedia Of Slack – The Bobliographon
Our co-conspirators over at The Church of the SubGenius recently published their 3rd book: “The Subgenius Psychlopaedia Of Slack – The Bobliographon” The NEW encyclopedia…
Lo-Fi Saint Louis Interviews Gary Panter
Lo-Fi Saint Louis is an excellent video blog produced by Bill Streeter that promotes St. Louis events and culture. I met Bill earlier this month…
Device Art Forum
blasthaus and dorkbot-sf present Device Art Forum this Thursday, November 30th at Rx Gallery in San Francisco. According to dorkbot organizer Karen Marcelo “Sergio Vujicic…
Squid In Natural Ink
Squid In Natural Ink
1996 Portland Santacon 10th Anniversary Party
Ten years ago in December 1996, several members of the San Francisco Cacophony Society, including myself, put on Santa suits and boarded a SouthWest Airlines…
Will Franken Auditions for David Letterman
Will Franken, one of the funniest people I know, will be auditioning for The Late Show with David Letterman on Saturday, December 2nd at The…