Future … Mission

Future … Mission, the latest theatrical production from Knife Beats Finger, runs Wednesday March 8th through Saturday, March 11th at The Dark Room in San…

ETech 2006 Photos

I’m currently at O’Reilly’s conference ETech 2006 in San Diego and will be shooting photos throughout the week and adding links from this blog post…

First Creative Commons Salon

Creative Commons is hosting their first CC Salon this Wednesday, March 8th at Shine in San Francisco. It will feature Wagner James Au of Second…

House of Cosbys

Last August, Andy Baio became infatuated with the “House of Cosbys”, a hilarious series of online animations created by Justin Roiland, that are about a…

Art Car Caravan to Douglas, AZ

Last week art car artist Philo Northrup organized an Art Car caravan from the Bay Area to Harrod Blank’s new warehouse in Douglas, AZ to…

Adaptive Path 5th Anniversary Party Photos

Adaptive Path hosted a rockin’ good bash last tonight at their San Francisco headquarters, complete with an appearance from the infamous taco truck. The event…

Ask Dr. Hal Returns From The Dead

Ask Dr. Hal is back, each Monday night in March, starting at 9pm at 12 Galaxies in San Francisco. Odeon Bar alumni Ted Schram opens…

Gnomedex 6.0

Speaking of conferences, Gnomedex 6.0, Lockergnome’s annual blogging and web technology event, takes place this summer from June 29th through July 1st in Seattle. According…


Our tentacles are tingling with excitement as we introduce the latest addition to the Laughing Squid family: squid.us or simply “Squid” It’s our new WordPress…

Tiki Oasis 6

Tiki News and Baby Doe Productions present, Tiki Oasis 6, which takes place May 4th through 7th in San Diego. It features three nights and…