Yuri’s Night Photos on Wired

Wired used some of my photos of Yuri’s Night for their slideshow photo gallery as part of Dylan Tweney’s coverage of the event: “Party in…

Web 2.0 Expo 2007 Photos

I’m hanging out at the O’Reilly Web 2.0 Expo this week at Moscone West in San Francisco, talking to smart geeks and shooting a few…

Alternative Press Expo 2007

The Alternative Press Expo 2007 (APE), one of the best independent publishing and comics conference around, takes place this Saturday, April 21st and Sunday, April…

Justin.tv One Month Anniversary Party

Justin.tv is approaching the one month mark with their lifecasting experiment, featuring Justin Kan streaming his life live on the internet 24 So to celebrate,…

Podcast Hotel 3

Podcast Hotel 3, an unconference focusing on independent music, video, and art, takes place April 20th and 21st at the Swedish American Hall in San…

SFlickr Celebrates 2nd Anniversary

SFlickr, the monthly Flickr users meetup in San Francisco, celebrated their 2nd anniversary last night at Crossroads Cafe. Of course as one might expect, I…