It Took Joel Bauer 25 Years To Design His Ultimate Business Card
Infotainer Joel Bauer tells you about his business card that took him 25 years to design. It doesn’t fit in a Roledex because it dosen’t…
Twitter Makes Cameo Appearance In Sprint Now Television Ad
Twitter makes an animated cameo appearance in a creative data visualization television ad “What’s Happening” that is part of Sprint’s new Now Network campaign to…
The 8-Bit Tarot Project by Lunar Bistro
The 8-Bit Tarot Project by Lunar Bistro, based on the classic Rider-Waite tarot deck. See Previously: 8 Bit Waterslide In Real Life
San Francisco Requiring a Permit For Bring Your Own Big Wheel
BYOBW UPDATE: Tom Price has provided an update saying that everything has been sorted out with the SFPD and that the race will proceed as…
An Exploration of Open-Mindedness
QualiaSoup made a great video that explores the concept of “Open-Mindedness”. A look at some of the flawed thinking that prompts people who believe in…
Enter Doormat by Pieter Woudt
Pieter Woudt (212-BIG-BOLT) designed a really cool “Enter” doormat. Maybe he’ll make an “Esc” mat for the way out. via swissmiss
Keming and Other T-Shirts for Type Nerds
Okay, this a straight up response to the CSS IS AWESOME ‘mug shot’ posted earlier. I was reminded of the above awesome shirt that was…
Seesmic Desktop Twitter Client Preview Release
Tonight during a party at their San Francisco offices, Seesmic released a preview of their new Seesmic Desktop Twitter client, the replacement for Twhirl, which…
Chicken John’s Lost Vegas Returns to Cellspace
Chicken John is throwing his infamous Lost Vegas at CELLspace this Saturday, April 11th. Lost Vegas is a dysfunctional casino environment with actual games and…
Kevin Rose Interviews Trent Reznor on Digg Dialogue
Kevin Rose interviewed Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails on the latest Digg Dialogue. See Previously: Canon 5D Mark II HD Video of Nine Inch…