Wil Wheaton Takes His Son & Friends Through D&D Campaign
Wil Wheaton has a great series of blog posts documenting his experience as a Dungeon Master taking his son Nolan and friends through a D&D…
8-Bit Waterslide In Real Life
“8-Bit Waterslide In Real Life” by Tea & Cheese
Bunny Jam 9: Stimulus for the Gross National HOPpiness
Bunny Jam 2009 returns with A Hobo Hoppening of Carnic Proportion, this Easter Saturday, April 11th at NIMBunnY in Oakland till the bunnies hop home.…
CSS Is Awesome
CSS Is Awesome by Steven Frank, available as a t-shirt, mug or button. via Neven Mrgan image via Steven Frank
Zapping, A CG Animated Short by Aritz Aizpurua and Ikso Studio
“Zapping” is a wonderful CG animated short by Aritz Aizpurua and Ikso Studio.
Deadpan Inc., Blog Posts In The Form Of Dialog-Driven Animation
Freelance writer Dave Stratton updates his blog Deadpan Inc. in the form of daily dialog-driven animation. His most recent blog post is about creative mortuary…
The History of First
College Humor presents the history of “First”. Ok, who gets the “first” comment?
ROFLDNA, A Breadpig Fundraiser for Science Commons
During ROFLThing NYC in January Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit and swine-defender of Breadpig, went around collecting DNA samples from Internet personalities which he then…
Spring Tweet, A Twitter Beer Brewed by 21st Amendment Brewery in San Francisco
Today 21st Amendment Brewery in San Francisco released “Spring Tweet”, a new light and floral spring ale that they brewed in honor of Twitter. We…
I Love You Robot T-Shirt
“I Love You Robot”, a wonderful new t-shirt by Mediafury, the same guys who did the marvelous “Robots No Follow” t-shirt. via swissmiss illustration by…