Dystopian Veneer, New Performance by Paul Addis
Paul Addis is back with a new website and a new solo performance at The Dark Room theater in San Francisco. Both show and site…
Wendy O. Williams & The Plasmatics Chain Sawing A Guitar In Half On “Solid Gold”
Thanks to the Wayback Machine that is YouTube, I discovered this epic clip of pioneering female punk rocker Wendy O. Williams and her band The…
Level Art Exhibition by Hans Hemmer Using Shoe Extenders To Make Everyone The Same Height
In 1997 Berlin artist Hans Hemmert created the art exhibition “Level” where participants wore shoe extenders to make them all exactly 2 meters tall. via…
Snow White Reinterpreted via Rene Magritte
“Storybook Surrealism”, a new Threadless t-shirt design submission by Brian Cook. via Super Punch
The American Bookbinders Museum
It’s a very interesting time for books, perhaps the most pivotal in history (though not the most tempestuous), and conversations about the future of books…
If Calvin Took Ritalin (A Tragedy In Four Panels)
Likely to bring a tear to the eye of any Calvin And Hobbes fan. (Source unknown, but has appeared in a number of variations and…
Yuri’s Night 2010, The World Space Party
Yuri’s Night 2010 is a worldwide celebration of the first orbit around the Earth by Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. It takes place each year on…
Scientists Successfully Teach Gorilla About Death
Scientists Successfully Teach Gorilla It Will Die Someday
Grand Canyon South Rim, Grandview Point
photos by Scott Beale As we drove across the United States last week, we stopped at the Grand Canyon while traveling through Arizona. We arrived…
VaultPress, A Backup Service For WordPress Blogs
Automattic has just launched VaultPress (currently in beta), a new premium backup service for self-hosted WordPress blogs. I think it’s an excellent idea and I…