Photos and Video: Altered Barbie Exhibition 2010
SF Weekly is featuring some great photos by Richard Haick of Altered Barbie Exhibition 2010 in San Francisco. Mark Day was there as well and…
Ty Cy-Phy Fire Performance Shot With Red Camera
Amazing video of Ty Cy-Phy of Machina Candeo doing a fire performance shot with a Red Camera. via Scot Nery
Trackstand Bike Switch
Burd Phillips and Shawn Wolf do an awesome bike swap mid-trackstand.
The Park Spark Project – Street Lamps Powered By Dog Poop
Matthew Mazzotta created The Park Spark Project, which converts dog poop into methane that powers street lamps. The Park Spark project is based around introducing…
Never Say No To Panda
These ads clearly illustrate why you should never, ever say no to Panda cheese.
Manfred – An Animated Short by Arjen Klaverstijn
“Manfred”, an amimated short made by Arjen Klaverstijn as his graduation project at the Utrecht School of the Arts. Manfred is the eponymous character in…
Modern Toilet – A Toilet Themed Restaurant in Taipei
Katie Sokoler shot some great photos during her recent visit to Modern Toilet, a toilet themed restaurant in Taipei. photos by Katie Sokoler
The Very Many Varieties of Beer
“The Very Many Varieties of Beer”, another wonderful poster by Pop Chart Lab, who also created the “Grand Taxonomy of Rap Names” poster. Both posters…
Hoodie Creates Vulcan Salute When Unzipped
“Traditional Greeting”, a Threadless hoodie designed by Paulo Bruno creates the Vulcan salute when unzipped.
Vintage Mobile Cinema
Vintage Mobile Cinema is a fully restored mobile movie theater, the last surviving unit of the original seven converted vehicles created by the UK government…