Stop-Motion Fingernail Art Animation Created For Kia Picanto Ad
In what is considered the world’s first fingernail art animation, Kia Motors really nailed their 2012 Picanto advertisement. It was no small task, all…
Backseat Driver, Realtime iPhone Driving App For Children by ToyToyota
MTV News Takes a Look at The Internet In 1995
MTV News report with report with Kurt Loder that explores the wonders of the Internet in 1995. via Grantland
12th Annual System Administrator Appreciation Day
Today is the 12th Annual System Administrator Appreciation Day, so make sure to give a big thanks to the awesome sys admins who keep your…
Spock Is Not Impressed
Spock Is Not Impressed, a new Tumblr blog featuring a very unimpressed Spock Photoshopped into various photos. Here’s a Spock template that you can use…
Royal de Luxe’s Giant Marionettes Perform in Nantes
French filmmaker FKY documented the latest stunning performance by Royal de Luxe, a puppet theater company notorious for its giant marionettes. Three puppets–a girl, a…
Hilarious Doctor Sketch About Health Problem You May Already Have
“Doctor: Symptoms” by Frontpage Films is a hilarious doctor/patient sketch about a “health problem” that hits rather close to home for the 50 million Americans…
8-Bit Laughing Squid Logo
Graham Smith is creating 8-bit versions of popular brand logos, including a wonderful one of our Laughing Squid logo. via Emma Wells
Music Video Features 250 Cameras Wired Together Into Flash Display
In the the music video for “Bright Siren” by Japanese band Androp, 250 cameras were wired together into a camera flash display. As the band…
Augmented Reality App Replaces Outdoor Ads with Art
Public Ad Campaign, an organization that is opposed to outdoor advertising, has created an augmented reality mobile app that replaces the billboards in Time Square…