An Engineer’s Guide to Cat Flatulence
Professional cat engineers Paul Klusman and TJ Wingard of Gutsy Movies Productions present An Engineer’s Guide to Cat Flatulence. Previously Paul and TJ gave us…
Artist Creates Tiny Paintings on Discarded Chewing Gum
British artist Ben Wilson uses discarded chewing gum blobs on pavement as canvasses for his tiny paintings. Over the past six years, Wilson has created…
Zombie Squid Hat
Josh Freeman (ObeyMyBrain) made a creepy cool Zombie Squid Hat that he’s selling through his Etsy shop, where has several other awesome squid hats.
Two Mornings, A Pro-Bicycling Short Film by The Sierra Club
Environmental organization, The Sierra Club, created the pro-bicycling film Two Mornings in conjunction with Agency Charlie that describes it as “a short story about a…
ROFLCon Summit In Portland, OR
ROFLCon presents ROFLCon Summit on October 1 at Wieden+Kennedy in Portland, OR. The ROFLCon Summit is a spin-off of the wildly awesome biennial ROFLCon.…
Licorice Flix: Edible Movie Mosaics by Jason Mecier
Artist Jason Mecier is creating ten new artwork pieces for his new portrait series, Licorice Flix: Edible Movie Mosaics, which depicts scenes from his favorite…
Kitten Watching Nyan Cat
A kitten watching Nyan Cat and probably thinking that’s what I want to do when I grow up! via BuzzFeed
Artist Converts Trash Dumpster Into One Room Home
Kim Aronson made a short video about Berkeley-based artist Gregory Kloehn, who has retrofitted a trash dumpster into a one room home complete with stainless…
American Shorts, A Limited-Edition Series of Illustrated Short Stories
Portland-based publisher Scout Books has released their inaugural limited-edition literary series titled American Shorts from their Good Ink division, which are handheld beautifully illustrated American…
Finger Reader, a Wearable Barcode Scanner for the Visually Impaired
Finger Reader is a finger-mounted barcode scanner paired with an earpiece that helps visually impaired people shop at stores by identifying items audibly. Finger Reader…