Hipster Branding, Hipsterized Corporate Logos
Hipster Branding is a Tumblr of corporate logos that have been given hipster design makeovers. via PSFK

All My Friends Are Still Dead, Sequel Book to All My Friends Are Dead
All My Friends Are Still Dead is the humorous sequel book to All My Friends Are Dead by Avery Monsen and Jory John. Previews of…

Bouncr, Free Disposable Email Addresses That Shield Your Real Email
Bouncr is a service that provides free, short email addresses that automatically forward to your real email address. If a bouncr email address begins receiving…

SnöBar Cocktails, A Line of Alcohol-Infused Ice Cream & Ice-Pops
The cocktail glass is dead. Meet the cocktail for the 21st century. SnöBar. SnöBar Cocktails is a line of alcohol-infused gourmet ice cream and ice…

Magic Mushroom House Built Under the Influence of Hallucinogenic Drugs

Travel Posters for Lazy People by H. Caldwell Turner
Travel Posters for Lazy People is a series of humorous digital posters created by illustrator H. Caldwell Turner for CollegeHumor. All of the images are…

What Is Curation?, Video Features Curators’ Thoughts On Their Roles
Percolate gathered several online curators for What Is Curation?, a first in a series video that explains “the shifts we’re seeing in the world of…

Incredibly Colorful Hand-Cut Paper Sculptures by Jen Stark
Artist Jen Stark creates stunningly colorful and elaborate hand-cut paper sculptures.

The Evolution of the Moon by NASA
The NASA Goddard Scientific Visualization Studio has created this wonderful short video on the evolution of the moon. The video was created using data from…

Everything.me, A New Mobile Search App From The Everything Project
Everything.me is a new browser-based mobile search app in open beta from The Everything Project, a start-up founded by entrepreneurs Ami Ben-David, Rami Kasterstein and…