Jurassic Live: Dino Action Show, A Theatrical Parody Performance of Jurassic Park
In 2011, The Old Murder House Theatre in Austin, Texas, produced Aliens on Ice, a live theatrical ice-skating version of the 1986 sci-fi classic film,…
Terra Sacra Time Lapses, Short Film of Beautiful Sites Around the World
“Terra Sacra Time Lapses” by Canadian filmmaker Sean F. White is a wonderful short time-lapse film of beautiful natural and man-made sites around the world.…
The Feast’s World’s Fare, A Global Dinner Party to Change the World
The Feast is an organization that “gathers remarkable innovators from across industries to engage each other in creating world-shaking change”. In 2012, The Feast is…
Digital Paintings, Renaissance Figures in Modern Photos
In her wonderful “Digital Paintings” series, German artist Dorothee Golz inserts figures from Renaissance-era portraits into photographs of contemporary life. via Flavorwire
Giant Game of Truth or Dare in a New York City Park
To encourage playfulness in her fellow New Yorkers, copywriter Chelsea Davison staged a giant game of truth or dare in Washington Square Park on June…
Trying to Hold Stranger’s Hands Prank
Andrew Hales of comedy prankster group “Losing All Hope Was Freedom” (LAHWF) tries to hold hands with strangers on the campus of Utah Valley University,…
A Judgmental Map of Austin Neighborhoods
Albert Bui created this highly Judgmental Map of Austin which he is selling as a print. via Dangerous Minds
SimCity Gameplay Trailer
A gameplay trailer for the new SimCity was released by EA last week at E3. The game is scheduled for release in 2013. via…
The Kessel Run, A Stars Wars Themed Spoof of The Cannonball Run
Old Red Jalopy created a great poster concept for The Kessel Run, a Star Wars themed spoof of The Cannonball Run, based on the legendary…
First Ever Bear Sighting in History on Cape Cod, Massachusetts
image via the Cape Cod Bear page on Facebook video by Cape Cod Times Over the 2012 Memorial Day weekend, Liam Crivellaro captured a black…