Not in Kansas Anymore, An Art Show Tribute to ‘The Wizard of Oz’ at Gallery Nucleus in Alhambra, California
Nikko and Toto by Cuddly Rigor Mortis The Not in Kansas Anymore: A Tribute to the Wizard of Oz art show is on display at…
Urban Wingsuit Flying in Rio de Janeiro
Ludovic Woerth and Jokke Sommer went urban wingsuit flying into the heart of Rio de Janeiro. The two jumped over the city at about 5:45am to…
Slow Motion Video of Steel Bridge Demolition in Marble Falls, Texas
On March 17th, 2013 the steel US 281 Bridge in Marble Falls, Texas was demolished to make way for the construction of two new concrete bridges.…
‘Game of Thrones’ Season 3 Teaser Trailer #2
Hacked ‘Legend of Zelda’ for the NES Stars Zelda Saving Link
Following the news that a father had hacked Donkey Kong so his daughter could play as Princess Pauline and rescue Mario, Kenna W. decided to tackle…
Luke’s Change: An Inside Job, A Star Wars Parody of the ‘Loose Change’ 9/11 Conspiracy Film Series
“Luke’s Change: an Inside Job” by Graham Putnam is a clever Star Wars parody of the 9/11 conspiracy film series Loose Change. It examines the…
Street Performer Punches Obnoxious Heckler in the Face
A street performer in Queensland, Australia was getting tormented by an obnoxious heckler so he decided to teach the nuisance a lesson by punching him…
Pickles the Kitten Sounds Like a Goat
Little kitten Pickles sounds like a goat when he tries to meow. via eBaum’s World
Star Wars Unpacks Their Adjectives in Schoolhouse Rock! Remix
OneMinuteGalactica is back with another Schoolhouse Rock! remix of Star Wars, this time they unpack their Adjectives and run into a scary bear. (here’s the…
Magically Delicious, A Lucky Charms Remix by Melodysheep
“Magically Delicious”, a sublime Lucky Charms remix by melodysheep (aka John D. Boswell) of Symphony of Science.