Photos of Everyday Objects That Look Like Simple Drawings
In her photo series “Representations,” artist Cynthia Greig whitewashes and outlines everyday objects, creating photographs that look uncannily like simple line drawings. My series of…
This Is Not a Conspiracy Theory, Part One of a New Web Series by Kirby Ferguson
“This is Not a Conspiracy Theory” is a new political web series by Kirby Ferguson, creator of “Everything Is a Remix.” The project was funded…
Seafoam Palace of Arts and Amusements, A Museum of Curiosities Being Created in Detroit
Designers Create Fashionable Super Bowl XLVIII Football Helmets for NFL Charity Auction
helmet design by Nicole Miller Bloomingdale’s teamed up with the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) to create a unique line of 48 fashionable…
Scrambled Eggs Cooked with a Red Hot Nickel Ball
Carsandwater tries to cook scrambled eggs using a red hot ball of nickel in this video. Previously we’ve written about other fascinating nickel ball experiments,…
Mandy Patinkin Reprises Famous Line from ‘Princess Bride’ With Driver During In-Car Interview
The extraordinary Mandy Patinkin, most recently of Homeland fame, did a very gracious in-car interview with Will Rubio, an ambitious young actor who was working…
Cheesy State-Themed Valentine’s Day Cards
TypeJar Studio has created a collection of state-themed Valentine’s Day cards with cheesy jokes. The cards are available to purchase online at Etsy. images via…
A Video Tour of Cat Cafes in Japan
Sharla in Japan, a Canadian student finishing University in Japan, visited several cat cafes in Japan and created a cute and informative video tour. She…
Slow Motion Video of Giant Bubbles Instantly Freezing
NightHawkInLight braved the cold to shoot this amazing slow motion video of giant bubbles instantly freezing. They seem to turn into a smoky film, which…
Theremini, A Theremin That Can Make It Impossible for Beginners to Play a Wrong Note
The Theremini by Moog is a new version of the Theremin that can help beginners learn the complicated instrument. The Theremin — which was first…