Adorable Kids Reenact the Films Nominated for ‘Best Picture’ at the 2014 Oscars
Cinefix worked together with to create this video of cute kids reenacting the films nominated for “Best Picture” at the 2014 Oscars. You can…
What is Fiction? by PBS Idea Channel
In this episode of PBS Idea Channel, host Mike Rugnetta argues that fictional constructs such as the aliens, and the setting of London, from H.…
A Short Explanation of Ferrofluid, A Type of Fluid That Has Properties of Both a Solid and a Liquid
BuzzFeedYellow explains the basics of ferrofluid in their recent “Watch This Liquid Transform Like Magic” video, a kind of fluid containing nanoscale magnetic particles that…
Harvard Researchers Have Developed Termite-Inspired Robots That Build Structures Autonomously
A research team at Harvard University has developed robots that can build simple structures autonomously using a behavioral system inspired by termites. Besides eliminating the…
Grand St. Announces Grand St. Marketplace, An Online Store for Technology at Varying Stages of Development
Online curated consumer electronics store Grand St. has announced Grand St. Marketplace, a new initiative that focuses on presenting potential customers with different hardware in…
A Message From The Formerly Popular Kids In School, “It Doesn’t Get Better”
For most kids in high school, the future promises better days. But for a certain group, there’s no time like the past. Remember those super…
Creative District, A Professional Network for Film and Media Makers
Creative District is a professional network from media service company Technicolor designed for filmmakers, directors, producers, storyboard artists, and anyone else that might want to…
Curious Facts About Twitter
In this video, All Time 10s shares “10 Curious Facts About Twitter”, like how a fake tweet caused the stock market to briefly drop $130…
Isaac Osei, The Ghanaian Chief Who Drives a New York City Taxi
Isaac Osei, an owner of a New York City taxi company, is also the chief of the Akwamu people in his native Ghana. Osei talks…
Desert Breath, Monumental Spiral Land Art in the Sahara Desert
“Desert Breath” is a monumental piece of land art in the Eastern Sahara Desert in Egypt that takes the form of 2 spirals emanating from…