Insolent Bunny Growls and Stomps When Petting Stops
A very cute, but insolent bunny growls, huff and stomps when the petting stops. Then again, however, the bunny can also be very generous with…
A Comic Identifying the Seven Most Annoying People to Watch TV With
Julia Lepetit and Andrew Bridgman of Dorkly have created a funny illustrated comic that identifies “the seven most annoying people to watch TV with.” You…
Surreal Anatomical Collage Art Made from Vintage Scientific Illustrations
Artist Travis Bedel creates surreal anatomical collage art out of vintage scientific illustrations. Prints of his work are available for purchase. via Colossal
Beluga Whales Stop In Their Watery Tracks To Listen To Musician Playing The Bagpipes
Juno, Naluark and Kela, three of four Beluga whales at the Mystic Aquarium in Mystic, Connecticut, stop in their watery tracks to listen to musician…
A Self-Contained and Autonomous Soft Robotic Fish
Andrew Marchese, a graduate student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), built a soft robotic fish that is both self-contained and autonomous. Typically, soft robotics…
What’s Actually Inside Cookie Dough Oreos
The New York Times examines Cookie Dough Oreos, a limited edition Oreo with cookie dough “flavor creme” and “chocolatey chips,” in this video feature. As…
How to Make a Glowing Mud-Like Substance Out of Potatoes
Grant Thompson, also known as The King of Random, creates glowing oobleck, a non-Newtonian fluid that’s a suspension of starch in water, out of potatoes…
Magician Pulls a Bottle Out of a Seemingly Empty Tube
Psychologist and magician Richard Wiseman removes a bottle from a seemingly empty paper tube in a clever trick entitled “The Tube of Mystery.” The explanation…
Some of the Best Fourth Wall Breaks in Movies
WatchMojo counts down the top 10 best fourth wall breaks — where characters explicitly or implicitly acknowledge the existence of the audience — in films…
Guinness World Record Holder Ray Cox Becomes First Person to Reach One Million Gamerscore on Xbox Live
Tennessee-based gamer Ray “Stallion83” Cox has reached the video gaming milestone of 1,000,000 Gamerscore on Xbox Live. Gamerscore is the sum of all points accrued…