Inventor of The ScrubBoard Audio Cassette Tape Scratcher Demonstrates His Improved Playing SkillsAugust 23, 2016
A Retro TV Smartphone Magnifier That Enlarges Movies and TV Shows in an Old-Fashioned WayDecember 1, 2016
A Brilliantly Edited Time-Lapse Music Video That Uses Cassette Tapes, Floppy Disks, and an Old WalkmanJune 10, 2015
A Look Inside the National Audio Company, One of the Last Companies Still Producing Audio CassettesSeptember 4, 2015
The Rocker, A Guitar Effects Unit That Makes a Cool Sound by Quickly Switching Between Live Playing and DelayFebruary 5, 2015
Former Employee Uploads a Fantastic Collection of Kmart In-Store Music From 1989-1991 to the Internet ArchiveOctober 12, 2015
Marvel to Release the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol. 1’ Soundtrack on Cassette TapeOctober 21, 2014