Trolls, A New Animated Feature by DreamWorks Based on the Popular Toy With Furry Hair
Trolls is a new animated feature by DreamWorks based on the popular toy with furry hair. The little creatures come to life and dance in…
Neil deGrasse Tyson Tells Rapper B.o.B. the Earth is Round & Then Drops the Mic on The Nightly Show
Neil deGrasse Tyson appeared on the January 27, 2016 episode of The Nightly Show to respond to host Larry Wilmore‘s declaration of a “Code Red…
Deadpool Delivers a Testicular Cancer PSA Encouraging Self-Examinations of the Man Berries a.k.a. Smooth Criminals
Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) recently delivered a brilliant pun-filled testicular cancer PSA, appropriately titled “Touch Yourself Tonight,” encouraging gentlemen to perform self-examinations of their man berries…
A Fantastic Breakdown of the Visual Effects Used in The Martian
The Moving Picture Company has shared a fantastic demo reel filled with breakdowns of their visual effects work in Ridley Scott’s sci-fi film, The Martian.…
The Story Behind the Tree Air Fresheners Used in Cars
Great Big Story exlored the history behind the Little Trees air fresheners commonly used in cars. The trees were invented by Julius Sämann who used his…
Archelis, A Wearable Chair That Helps People Remain Upright Comfortably for Long Periods of Time
Archelis is a wearable chair developed to allow wearers to remain upright comfortably for long periods of time. The Archelis uses an ergonomic design that…
Natalie Portman, Jimmy Fallon & The Roots Join Sia in Performing the Song ‘Iko Iko’ Using Mostly Improvised Instruments
Natalie Portman, Jimmy Fallon, and The Roots wore two-tone wigs and joined Sia to perform the song “Iko Iko” using mostly improvised instruments in a clip from The…
The DeLorean Motor Company Will Begin Building New DMC-12 Replica Automobiles in 2017
The DeLorean Motor Company recently announced that they will begin building a limited number of new DeLorean DMC-12 replica automobiles, the same car used classic…
Google’s AlphaGo Computer Beats a Professional Go Player Five to Zero, The First Computer to Ever Do So
Google’s AlphaGo computer has beaten European Go champion Fan Hui five games to zero making it the first computer to ever beat a professional Go player.…
Cat Behaviorist Explains Why Felines Run Crazy Around the House in New Simon’s Cat Series
“Simon’s Cat Logic” is a new series by Simon Tofield that is part educational, part animated and part brand new “Simon’s Cat” episodes. Simon’s Cat…