A Growing Baby Elephant Adorably Disrupts the Home of the Generous Woman Who Took Her In
In an adorable preview for the BBC Earth Show Nature’s Miracle Orphans, a heartily growing rescued baby elephant named Moyo (mistakenly identified as male) is…
A Lovely Visual Narrative That Shows What It’s Really Like to Read Lips
The production company Little Moving Pictures created a lovely visual narrative that shows viewers what it’s really like to read lips. The narrative was inspired…
A Man Swaps Faces With Each Artist in a Disconcerting Lip-Synch of ‘We Are the World’
The RIF6 Cube, A Compact Projector Built for Portable Devices
The RIF6 Cube is a compact projector built for portable smart devices like phones and laptops that can display an image up to 120 inches on any wall.…
Fearless Man Balances a 16′ 100lb Ladder on His Chin Setting a RecordSetter World Record
The fearless Quincy Mack of Waterloo, Canada setting a RecordSetter world record for balancing a 16-foot ladder on his chin. The ladder weighs approximately 100…
How to Make Charcoal Using Only Primitive Tools and Technology
Primitive Technology demonstrated how to make charcoal using the “mound method” by encasing a large pile of wood in mud and then lighting it on fire.…
German Engineer Sets the World Record for the Fastest 100 Meter Ascent by a Quadcopter
Technical consultant and engineer Dirk Brunner of Munich, Germany has set a Guinness World Record for achieving the fastest 100 meter ascent by a quadcopter.…
A Whimsical Robotic Adjustable Applause Machine That Lets a Person Give Themselves a Hand
How to Make Blooming Paper Flowers That Open When You Add Them to Water
Dave Hax created a video tutorial on how to make custom blooming paper flowers that open up when you add them to water. Fun craft…
A 3D Printed Sundial That Displays the Time in Digital Format Without the Use of Electronics
Mojoptix podcast and video series demonstrates how to create a 3D-printed sundial that can display the time in digital format without electronics. The sundial works…