Exterminator Spends 45 Minutes Removing a Gigantic Hornet’s Nest From a Shed in Louisiana
Morgan City, Louisiana beekeeper Jude Verret of Stinger Creations was asked to eliminate a gigantic hornet’s nest located inside of a shed in Patterson. He…
Hilarious New Zealand Police Recruitment Video Features Cops Doing Parkour and a Police Cat
The New Zealand Police made a valiant effort to bring in new cops to their organization with a highly entertaining recruitment video, titled “Freeze!,” that…
Talented Musician Accidentally Texts His Wife With Voice Recognition While Playing the Trombone
I accidentally texted my wife with voice recognition…while playing the trombone pic.twitter.com/tWCPSXbbrO — Paul The Trombonist (@JazzTrombonist) November 21, 2017 While at rehearsal, the very…
A Hungry Little Otter Opens the Refrigerator to Search Inside for a Hidden Stash of Yummy Fish
In August 2017, an absolutely adorable Asian small clawed otter named Cartel hilariously walked up to the family refrigerator, opened the door and jumped inside.…
The Cookiegorgon Needs Treats in ‘Sharing Things’, A Sesame Street Parody of Stranger Things
“Sharing Things” is a tasty Sesame Street parody of Stranger Things where Cookiegorgon (Cookie Monster) breaks out of the Snackside Down to find more treats.…
A Little Girl Briefly Disappears in a Creepy Trailer for ‘Arkangel’ Episode of the 4th Season of ‘Black Mirror’
In the rather unsettling preview of “Arkangel” from the fourth season of Black Mirror, a little girl gave her mother a big scare when she…
A Vociferous Kookaburra Lets Out an Impressive Call
In 2015, a beautiful and rather vociferous Kookaburra at Kangaroo Point in Brisbane, Queensland Australia let out a truly impressive call that lasted over 20…
Best Friends Set Out to Fulfill a Bucket List Together After One Receives a Terminal Cancer Diagnosis
Creative Man Makes Up a Catchy Song in Rhythm With the Sound of His Car Horn After an Accident
When YouTuber DreamCastle_629 got into a car accident that left the horn constantly sounding off. Rather than complain about the incessant, repetitive noise, the young…
A Graceful Little Elephant Bobs for Apples While Going for a Relaxing Swim at the Oregon Zoo
On the day before Thanksgiving 2017, a surprisingly graceful little Asian elephant named Lily went for a relaxing dip in the pool at the Oregon…