Camera Captures How a Vocal Orange Cat Reacts After His Human Leaves the Apartment
Josiah Ross set up a camera to capture how Phillip, his adorably chatty orange tabby cat, would respond once he left the apartment.
A Funky Bass Solo on a 360° Spinning Neck Guitar
Charles Berthoud performed a funky instrumental tune on Mattias Krantz's bluetooth-enabled 360° spinning guitar/bass combo.
The Distinguishing Features of 44 Living and Extinct Animals From the Smallest to the Largest
Posit Pixel explained the distinguishing features of 44 different animals, both living and extinct, from smallest to largest.
Little Girl Gives Her Father a Full Nail Salon Treatment Using Colorful Straws Taped to His Fingers
Nika Diwa captured adorable footage of her daughter giving her husband a full nail salon treatment using colorful straws taped to his fingers.
Twin Baby Cows Are Reunited With Their Mother After a Year Apart
Baby cow twins who'd been rejected by a dairy and rescued by Happy Compromise Sanctuary were reunited with their mother a year later.
Foods That Have Been Banned or Restricted in the United States
Sam O'Nella Academy explained why several different foods from abroad have either been banned or restricted in the United States.
An Amusing Tour of the World’s Smallest Park
Tour guide Adam Thorn Smith described how Mill Ends Park in Portland, Oregon, the world's smallest park, came to exist.
Lively Cat Plays Daily Game of Hide and Seek With Her Favorite Young Human
A very lively cat enjoys playing hide and seek and other games with her favorite young pajamaed human on a daily basis.
Compassionate Man Rescues Young Deer Who Was Shot With a Practice Arrow
Wildlife rescuer Joe Rocco of The Broken Antler came to the rescue a young fawn who deliberately was shot with a practice arrow.
A Charming Documentary About the Last Red Telephone Box Painter in London
Matthieu Livingston created "Wet Paint", a documentary about Robert Pammen, the last painter of the iconic red telephone boxes in London.