Northern Voice 2006 Wrap-Up & Photos
Northern Voice 2006 was a blast. Here are the photos that I shot today. Everyone’s photos can be found on Flickr. Some of the stuff I checked out today included:
– Dave Sifry of Technorati was interviewed by Tim Bray about the State of the Blogosphere. He also talked about what is being done to fight spam blogs (splogs) and mentioned a new technique used to game search engine ranking called “Google Bowling”.
– Colin Brumelle of Bryght gave a great talk on the future of online music.
– “Blogs and the Bedroom: Blogging and Relationships” was a very amusing panel discussion featuring Maryam Scoble, Chris Pirillo, Latthana ‘Ponzi’ Indharasophang, Ted Leung, Julie Leung and Jen Wiederick.
Special thanks to our gracious hosts for producing such a great event.
photo credit: Scott Beale (“Blogs and the Bedroom: Blogging and Relationships” panel)