MC Frontalot Raising Funds To Make “Critical Hit” Music Video
MC Frontalot has setup a Kickstarter project to help raise funds to make a music video for his song “Critical Hit” from his upcoming album “Solved”.
Here’s the promise: I will make you a kick-ass video for “Critical Hit,” a song on my next album, Solved. We’ve got a shot list and a budget and shooting days and a crew, it’s all ready to roll. I just need funding from everyone who wishes it would exist.
If you overfund this project by 50%, I will also make a wacky and poignant puppet video in Brooklyn, for the song “Stoop Sale.”
If you make it to 100% overfunding ($20,000!), I will make three videos. The third one will be an animated action epic for the song “I’ll Form The Head.”