How the Beautifully Adorned Japanese Manhole Covers That Tell the History of Each Town Are Made
For his highly informative video series “Only In Japan“, host John Daub, a Tokyo-based reporter, decided to take a deeper look into the country’s unique fascination with decorated manhole covers. First he attended the annual Manhole Summit, which offered among other wares, manhole trading cards. Daub then traveled to a number of towns across Japan, noting how each cover represented the proud history of the local residents, no matter the size. Wanting to learn more, Daub visited the Nagashima Imono Casting Factory where the proprietor gave him a personalized tour of the facility.
Manhole covers are trending high in Japan and for good reason — they’re stunning! Only in Japan are manholes to cover sewage designed so beautifully that they now make MANHOLE TRADING CARDS! (Travel around Japan and collect them all. They’re free!) The craze is real, folks. There’s even a new word for manhole enthusiasts: MANHOLERS