I Pity the Dolls, A Huge Collection of Vintage Mr. T Dolls

I Pity the Dolls

“I Pity the Dolls” makes its West Coast debut tomorrow, Thursday, May 24th from 7-10pm at RX Gallery in San Francisco. It features 175 Mr. T dolls from the world’s largest collection vintage Mr. T Dolls amassed by Greg Rivera and Mike Essl.

Rivera has spent years scouring the planet (and eBay) for these rare handmade dolls, bringing them together for the special showings that are I PITY THE DOLLS! The success of the Orchard Street Gallery showing in NYC and the follow-up show in Toronto, Ontario, garnered this collection international attention, including a nod from the American Folk Art Museum, labeling the show as “an important collection of modern day folk art”. This is the first time the dolls will be traveling to the West Coast, and Rivera is looking forward to further exhibitions of the collection in 2007


Vidalia has some great photos of the show when it was in New York in June 2005.

photo credit: Vidalia
Scott Beale
Scott Beale

Scott Beale founded Laughing Squid in 1995 in San Francisco and is currently based in New York City. When not running the blog, Scott can be found posting on Threads and sharing photos on Instagram.