Grassroots Organization AFAJP Demands Pulitzer Prize for The Onion

The Onion has revolutionized fake news, confused and enraged readers, and in the late 1990s, included amongst its print subscribers a certain EDW Lynch. So it may be shocking to hear that The Onion has not yet received a Pulitzer Prize. Americans for Fairness in Awarding Journalism Prizes (AFAJP) aims to change that, with a righteously indignant PSA, sternly worded form letter, Facebook group, and a grassroots video uprising including such voices as Tom Hanks.
Americans for Fairness in Awarding Journalism Prizes, or AFAJP, is a nonprofit* watchdog group committed to exposing those who engage in improper journalism award giving. Established in 1944, AFAJP has since grown to 742 chapters nationwide, and now boasts a membership of over 15 million Americans.
On June 20, The Onion, America’s Finest News Source, celebrates its 1000th issue, and AFAJP intends to mobilize its entire apparatus to ensure that the Pulitzer Board stop its blatant discrimination against The Onion and honor its landmark achievement with the prize it so richly deserves.