Top GeoGuessrs Intensely Compete in the Grand Finals of the GeoGuessr World Cup 2024

Professional GeoGuessr player Trevor Rainbolt and Launders hosted the GeoGuessr World Cup 2024 grand finals, which took place at the Stockholm City Hall on September 14, 2024. During the intense competition, contestants competed against each other in determining random locations from the construction of roads, utility poles, license plates, traffic markers, street signs, and bollards.

Get ready for an amazing adventure at the GeoGuessr World Cup 2024! This isn’t just any event, it’s your chance to be part of a game that takes you around the world! All from the historic Stockholm City Hall in Sweden.

Stage host Pala Gilroy Sen announced the winner of the grand finals as Mathieu “Blinky” Huet from France.

Blinky, the Frenchmen who took the World Cup by storm. …Why Blinky is frequently considered the GOAT.

The GeoGuesser World Cup 2024 Trailer

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.