How Science Confirmed the Existence of ‘Gay Voice’
Life partners Greg Brown and Mitch Moffit of asapSCIENCE explained the concept of “gay voice” and how science has looked into how vocal registers within the gay population are different than those of the straight population.
Researchers look at parameters such as pitch variation like how much a person’s pitch changes as they talk duration values for vowels and consonants… How long people hold their S’s and some studies just straight up get random people to listen to people talk and try to judge whether they thought that person speaking was gay or straight.
The results are interesting, although as with any type of speech pattern, speech extends into the culture of the population.
Results find that gay men speak with higher pitch variation, meaning that their range from low to high is much more extreme than men. Not surprised – we have range honey. These pitch studies were done in many languages like English Dutch and French and in all cases gay men spoke with higher pitch variation, meaning the gay voice expands beyond language.