Freckle Count, Help Count All The Freckles On Ryan Contillo’s Body

Freckle Count

Freckle Count

Freckled-American Ryan Contillo has always wanted to know how many freckles he has. Together with Marc Andrew Stephens and Jack Inscoe, he will settle the score once and for all–Freckle Count is a website that allows visitors to help count each and every freckle on his body. So far 27,303 freckles have been counted. Go count some freckles. If not for Contillo, then for…humanity.

This project has shown me parts of myself I’ve never seen before, nor did I ever want to see. I’ve certainly not felt so awkward, exposed or pale in my entire life. I suppose that’s the price you pay to count your freckles. Hundreds of extremely uncomfortable photos over the course of one very long photo session were taken to capture every inch of my colorless hide. Not to mention the slicing, naming and database populating of too many pictures to think about. It may all be worth it in the end though, as a childhood dream may soon be realized.

E.D.W. Lynch
E.D.W. Lynch

Writer and humor generalist on the Internet and on Facebook.