Booze-Infused Gummy Bear Recipes
Hot Teddy
The Sweets section of Serious Eats give recipes and instructions on how to make Rummy Gummy bears & other “drunken gummies” like Tequila Straw-bearries (Strawberry (bears) + Tequila), Hot Teddy (Lemon bears + Whiskey + Honey) and more.
Aw, how cute, boozy bears! Yes and no. As adorably innocuous as these guys look, be forewarned: they are strong. You will start feeling all giddy after a few, and eventually, they make you go a little crazy…They’re not quite a shot’s worth each, but almost feel stronger with the sugar factor compounded by the alcohol.
Rummy Gummy Bears
Tequila Straw-bearries
via Neatorama
photos by Dave Katz