DNA Evidence Proves Innocence of West Memphis Three
The West Memphis Three, Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin, have been in prison for 12 years as the result of a controversial trial…
Pie Fight @ Powell Cable Car Turnaround in San Francisco
SF0 player Herbie Hatman is organizing a formal Pie Fight which will take place at 5pm this Friday, November 2nd at tourist infested Powell Street…
Hi-Fructose & Gallery 1988 Present: Bitters and Sweets
Hi-Fructose Magazine is organizing “Bitters and Sweets”, an art show at Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles, featuring past, present and future artists from the pages…
Social Network Message Autoresponder
I hate social network messaging systems. Do you know what would be great? An autoresponder service for all of my various social networks. At the…
Snitter, A Desktop App for Twitter
I recently started using Snitter, a desktop app for Twitter that works on both a Mac or PC. It is powered by Adobe AIR and…
BarCamp LA and BarCamp San Diego
Dan Tentler just gave us the heads-up that there are two back-to-back BarCamps coming up in Southern California. This weekend is BarCamp LA 4 on…
Eye-Fi Releases Digital Camera Wireless SD Memory Card
Eye-Fi has just announced the release of their new wireless SD memory card for digital cameras. The card, which they have been beta testing over…
The Gastrointestinal System Represented As A Subway Map
Woot Shirt is currently selling a really great t-shirt, designed by Jack Anderson, that features the gastrointestinal system represented as a subway map. You’re trying…
Ninja Parade Takes Place in Modesto, No Ninjas Spotted
For the 30th year in the row Modesto’s Ninja Parade slipped through town unnoticed.
PC World: Fastest Vista Laptop, An Apple MacBook Pro
PC World published a series on The Most Notable Notebooks of 2007 and their pick for the fastest Windows Vista laptop? It was an Apple…