A Single Life, An Animated Short About a Woman Traveling Through Her Life by Spinning a Record
“A Single Life” by Job Roggeveen, Joris Oprins, and Marieke Blaauw is a short animated film that features a woman named Pia who travels the…
Busy Ferret Makes a Snuggly Nest Under a Cabinet Using Items Found Around the Bathroom
A busy little blonde ferret sets about making a nest under a slide-out cabinet, diligently scrounging around michan16122‘s bathroom in search of the perfect items…
‘Amazon Prime for Women’, An Amusingly Topical Parody That Addresses the Gender Pay Gap
Comedian Paul Gale (previously) has created a parody of the Amazon Prime service with “Amazon Prime for Women,” a brief but amusing and highly topical…
Jonathan Banks of ‘Breaking Bad’ and ‘Better Call Saul’ Talks with Conan About the Educational Film He Made in 1974
“It goes under the category that no good deed goes unpunished.” On last night’s episode of Conan, actor Jonathan Banks of Better Call Saul and…
A Surprisingly Quick Tortoise Almost Keeps Up With a Playful Dog as They Chase One Another Around the Yard
A surprisingly quick-moving sulcata tortoise named Sheldon almost keeps up with a playful Pit Bull named Dolly as they happily chase one another around the…
Common Misconceptions About Allergies Logically Examined, Explained, and Debunked
In the Mental Floss video “Misconceptions about Allergies“, host Elliot Morgan lists the most commonly held beliefs about allergies and examines, explains, and debunks each…
Tenacious Tabby Cat Skillfully Climbs Up a Braided Towel Rope to Reach His Human’s Second Floor Apartment
Just like the suitor in the classic tale Rapunzel, a very tenacious tabby cat named Mason skillfully climbs a braided towel rope to reach the…
Spirit Aficionados to Bring Their ‘Caged Heat Cocktail Syrup’ to Market
Spirit aficionados Jared Hirsch and Jennifer “Absinthia” Baum have created together a sweetly spicy small-batch concoction called Caged Heat Cocktail Syrup and are currently raising…
‘BLACKBIRD’, A Beautiful Side-by-Side Visual Comparison of the Films ‘Birdman’ and ‘Black Swan’
Film editor Michael Branco (previously) has created “BLACKBIRD“, a brief but beautiful side-by-side visual comparison of the films Birdman by Alejandro G. Iñárritu and Black…
Opinionated Shiba Inu Dog Shows No Interest in Cooperating with Her Human’s Cooking Demonstration
Mari-kun the opinionated, uncooperative, quite stubborn, yet highly intelligent Shiba Inu shows no interest whatsoever in cooperating with her human inosemarine as he tries to…