Shooting a Liquid Nitrogen-Frozen Giant Gummy Bear With a 12-Gauge Shotgun
In this wondrous video, YouTube user Carsandwater freezes a five-pound giant gummy bear with liquid nitrogen and blasts it with a 12-gauge shotgun. The resulting…
Adorable Character Drawings for the American Sign Language Alphabet
To help people learn the American Sign Language alphabet, artist Alex Solis (previously) has created an adorable illustration series in which the hand sign for…
‘Visions of America: Amériques’, A Los Angeles Philharmonic Performance Paired With Live Video Projection
In November 2014, the Los Angeles Philharmonic performed Amériques by Edgard Varèse against a vivid backdrop of live video in a multimedia performance entitled Visions…
Giant Balloon Shaped Like an Elderly Man’s Head Is Flown Over Japanese City in Absurdist Art Project
photo by @nrsh0428 A giant balloon shaped like an elderly man’s head was flown over the city of Utsunomiya, Japan back in December in an…
Benjamin Von Wong Creates a Fairy Tale Fashion Shoot at the Admont Abbey Library in Austria
Photographer Benjamin Von Wong (previously) recently shot this fairy tale fashion photo series at the remarkably ornate 18th century library in Admont Abbey in Austria.…
Interview With White House Photographer Pete Souza
Journalist Al Hunt interviews Pete Souza (previously), the official White House photographer, in this interview segment from Charlie Rose. Souza’s photos of President Barack Obama…
A Clock Web App That Translates the Current Time Into the Corresponding Hex Color
Artist and designer James E. Murphy has created What colour is it?, a clock web app that translates the current time into the corresponding hexadecimal…
Old Tapestries Transformed Into Wonderful Animal Sculptures
Paris-based artist Frédérique Morrel resurrects old tapestries in her wondrous animal sculptures. Morrel uses the tapestries to form colorful skins for her creatures, which range…
City Maps Digitally Transformed Into Beautiful Eroded Terrains
Tokyo Cities are transformed into eroding terrains in the map art series Flowing City Map by Geneva-based artist Chaotic Atmospheres (previously). The artist created the…
‘Portraits of Time’, Gorgeous Black-and-White Portraits of Ancient Trees From Around the World
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Beth Moon (@bethmoonphotography) Photographer Beth Moon spent 14 years scouring the globe for some of the…