Rusty Blazenhoff

Rusty Blazenhoff

Ranch Dressing Soda by Lester’s Fixins

As seen in Denver, Colorado’s Rocket Fizz store. We have posted before about the unusually flavored sodas by Lester’s Fixins (we’re talking bottles of Buffalo…

Green Grass Flip Flops

Green Grass Flip Flops are a great way to prepare yourself for summertime fun. Made to look like realistic beds of grass, these entirely synthetic…


Keyboard Cat Animatronic Plush Toy

Popular internet meme Keyboard Cat (aka “Fatso”) now has its own officially licensed animatronic plush toy which naturally plays the official Keyboard Cat music with…

The Pros & Cons Of Being Tall

For all the “Sasquatches” out there, Doghouse Diaries lays out the “The Pros & Cons Of Being Tall” in their latest webcomic.